Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reflection on Making Tutorial For IT Assignment

Reflection( Processes and achievement revealed)
Before the Tutorial Creation
I browsed through Youtube videos on creating tutorials. This one was informative.

You tube guide surely helped me alot apart from the notes provided during our IT classes.

I then watched this video on 

How to Make a Killer Camtasia Video - Camtasia Studio Tutorial

 I gathered enough information and started my Project.

IT assignment on Making a Tutorial was interesting, knowledgeable and difficult. The difficulties were many.
1. the computer that is connected to internet did not have camera.
2. The creator of this tutorial on "Teaching Four Dzongkha Letters to PP" had to use ipad application called iMovie to record the teaching ways.
3. iPad camera app was used to snap series of images of the tutorial pages and transition period break pages.
4. Then, this recording was voiced over to synchronize the teaching or tutorial process.
5. After that this clip which was 2GB was put into  any video converter so that the ipad format was converted to a format accepted by Camtasia Studio movie creator.
Then this software helped me to put desired transitions and pan and zoom effects.

6. Owing to the tutorials huge space due to graphic high resolution, i could not upload to the Moodle. I had to burn into 4 GB disc and send to the tutor through hand post.

The sample of images used during the tutorial creation were:

Creation of tutorial is really time consuming.
It requires a lot of preparing on the content and the media recording equipment and animation process.

Ipad app is much easier to use because it can record and process the movie at a time.

Finally, I should say that I learnt a lot about creating tutorial, video edditting, use of iPad app to record videos and put into PC windows for more video edditting tools.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Journal One....How to upload embeded docs to Blogger

Dear viewers, before uploading any documents to your blog watch this video. This video will help step by step to uploading documents from Google Drive.
I enjoyed this video.
I can now do the same. See the page named School Discipline Policy

School Discipline Policy

This is our School Discipline Policy, framed this year.